Who’s missing from your team?

If you’re looking to move from Reactive to World Class…you don’t need a Maintenance Engineer full-time BUT you do NEED a Maintenance Engineer.

Schedule a FREE consult with a Maintenance Engineer today and begin your Journey to World Class!

Less than 30% of Manufacturers tap into the full potential of their maintenance software

What is Maintenance Engineering?

Manufacturers today face incredible challenges. Our Maintenance Engineering Program identifies the gaps and helps you determine an improvement strategy so you can meet and exceed your Business and Operational Goals.

Consider Maintenance Engineering services from Manufacturing Asset Solutions, as your personal Guide to Maintenance and Operational Excellence.

Journey to World Class Graphic

Most facilities operate with less than 40% wrench time. By re-engineering your business systems and improving overall efficiency you can double your workforce without hiring anyone.

The Journey to World Class is a treacherous one and you need someone from the outside looking in to keep you on track and on target


1. Discovery Call: Let's talk it through

Schedule a remote Maintenance Engineering Discovery Call to outline your unique challenges and goals


2. Onsite GAP Analysis

We’ll visit your facility and determine your current state, desired state, and the “Gap” we need to cross to get you where you want to go


3. Project Development

Our Maintenance Engineers will use what they’ve learned about your business and their experience in the industry to develop a customized strategy for helping you achieve your goals


4. Execution of Strategy

We’ll project manage the execution of the strategy and provide the necessary resources to ensure desired outcomes


5. Continuous Improvement

As the state of the business improves your execution strategy will need to improve as well. We’ll evaluate as often as needed and provide updated recommendations to ensure the strategy evolves with the growth of the company

Ready to learn more about Maintenance Engineering Services?

Call us today (833) 216-7600 – or submit the form below and we’ll contact you shortly: